NationBuilder, GOP “tool” of choice

Photo by Moan Lisa

Historically used by political organizers of all stripes, Mashable reports that…

NationBuilder will be the exclusive campaign technology of the Republican State Leadership Committee, whose mission is to elect Republican candidates running for office at the state level across the U.S.

Through the arrangement, Republican candidates running for about 7,500 different offices will get greatly discounted access to the service. NationBuilder will provide those candidates with websites, digital organizing tools and training, access to voter data and a mechanism to share data between Republican campaigns.

NationBuilder is obviously a business, and they should be able to make independent decisions to meet their aims, but I’m sure there will be some progressive non-profits that are going to jump ship with this news.

Satire: Why is RadioShack still here?

The Onion, nailing it, as usual:

Even CEO Can’t Figure Out How RadioShack Still In Business

CEO Julian Day

FORT WORTH, TX—Despite having been on the job for nine months, RadioShack CEO Julian Day said Monday that he still has “no idea” how the home electronics store manages to stay open.

“There must be some sort of business model that enables this company to make money, but I’ll be damned if I know what it is,” Day said. “You wouldn’t think that people still buy enough strobe lights and extension cords to support an entire nationwide chain, but I guess they must, or I wouldn’t have this desk to sit behind all day.”

Go to the Onion…

Google Hangouts: the jury is out

Yesterday I had a virtual meeting scheduled with a client and a designer – we we’re going to look at some concepts, make some changes and generally talk our way through the process. There are an array of collaboration tools out there that allow small groups of people to share files, screens, audio, video, and generally reproduce the feeling of being in the same room. Having used Google Hangouts for a few meetings of this kind in the past, I thought it would be perfect for this meeting – it’s simple to use, and fairly powerful.

So … for reasons that we’ll never be able to understand, it failed. Not a complete catastrophe, but screen-sharing didn’t work, so it wasted out time and set the project back a couple of days.

The question is: what is a screen/doc-sharing collaboration service that is easy to use, and affordable?

My new Macbook: cute, but stupid?

Needing a new laptop, I did some research, talked with friends, and purchased a Macbook Air on Saturday. It’s gorgeous, and makes me feel more hip just being near it. The problem is: its network speed is very, very slow. Whereas the other machines on my home network reliably get 15mb/s, the Macbook stumbles along at 500kb/s – that’s 1/30th of the normal speed. This is apparently a known issue at Apple, which is causing some frustration on the support forums. There was a time in the early years of my nerdy career when I didn’t mind spending hours troubleshooting network stacks and bursting bitrates, but I don’t have that luxury now. Computers are supposed to work, right out of the box – especially when they are aesthetically designed so thoughtfully. I’m sure I can work-through this hiccup, but it’s worth noting that Apple’s $600 share price does not translate into universally quality products…